Portable Interface - 17TES0043

Data Reading and Download Units
The L3Harris PI 17TES0043 is a portable interface (PI) for data retrieval from FA2100 recorders. It allows users to retrieve data quickly and effortlessly. L3 Harris Portable Interface (PI) can perform a variety of data retrieval functions, that includes Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice & Data Recorder (CVDR) monitor, copy and playback. This unit is small, light and easy to hold and weighs approximately 3 lbs. (0.91 kg).
The L3Harris PI 17TES0043 price and features make it a very attractive option comparing to similar portable interface available on the market.
- High-capacity PC card (PCMCIA) allows storage of data from multiple aircraft flights
- Powered by the FA2100 FDR, CVR and CVDR recorder
- Rapid FDR data retrieval on aircraft
- Provides digital data copy FDR, CVR and CVDR with time tag from the FA2100 recorder
- Simultaneous CVR reproduction of six analog channels
- Real-time audio monitoring
- Menu-driven user interface with fault output display capability
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